Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beyond Hallmark: Why You Shouldn't Hate Valentine's Day

I'll admit I'm guilty of it too! I used to sulk more than a six-year-old at bedtime on Valentine's Day. When I was single: Flowers, cards, and candy for everyone but me!

"It's just a Hallmark holiday!" <--- Who hasn't said that at least once?

But Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day, when referring to it in full, is so much more than that, regardless of the fact that Hallmark milks it for all it's worth!

Saint Valentine was an actual person (or persons, historical documentation is wide, varied, and of different disputed accuracies), a martyr, who died on February 14th in Rome. You can read more about the different stories, martyrologies, and other information surrounding the saint here: , or if you prefer, on Wikipedia: . Many church bodies still commemorate Saint Valentine, including my own denomination, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

As Christians, and yes, even Christians without a significant other on February 14th, we can always celebrate  Valentine's Day, regardless of marital status. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod's website says this:

"Lutherans have always understood that there is great benefit in remembering the saints whom God has given to the Church. The Apology of the Augsburg Confession (Article 21) lists three reasons for such honor. First, we thank God for giving faithful servants to His Church. Second, through such remembrance our faith is strengthened as we see the mercy that God extended to His saints of old. Third, these saints are examples both of faith and of holy living to imitate according to our calling in life." ( )

It's not easy to put on a happy face when you're feeling lonely on a day that our culture uses to celebrate romantic love, but always remember the extraordinary love your Father in Heaven has for you. We see this every day through the love of our family and friends, and the blessings and love He so freely gives us.


P.S. What's up with Jellie and their Valentine's Day?

If you're okay with mushiness, here's a little recap of our day:

I had no class today, so I got to sleep in until 10:30 this morning. Then I went to go see a urogynecologist to work through some of my never ending medical problems, most of them dealing with my pelvic region and lady parts. I will be starting pelvic physical therapy later this month.

While at the doctor's office, I discovered a box of Reese's Pieces, and a heart-shaped box of Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (some of my favorite candy!) in my purse. I was very surprised. I told Justin he was off the hook this year since we're relatively poor newlyweds and my birthday is on the 18th.

Then when we got home, he surprised me with a beautiful amethyst necklace, my birthstone. The emotional loser that I am, I almost cried. But he definitely did a fantastic job!

You done good, hubby. You done good. <3
Tonight, Justin has to work, so I will be basking in the loving fluffiness of Miss Sadie while waiting for his return, hopefully with a Subway sandwich in hand.

In the meantime, I have to study for a test tomorrow. Fun times.

Happy Valentine's Day!

And once again...


Sunday, February 3, 2013

We're Still Here!

We just wanted to leave a quick note to let you all know we are still here, and doing well! Justin has been busy on the lookout for a new job as his current workplace will be going out of business later this month, Ellie just finished up playing Vi Moore in Concordia's spring musical, Footloose (and has another show she's preparing for that opens in March), and Sadie has had to keep up with her daily chomping of doggie bones. 

School also took a toll on us the end of last semester, as we had classes, finals, Christmas concerts, and lots of rehearsals for various ensembles and productions we were a part of. This semester has been extremely busy already as well, with Footloose, an opera workshop class both of us are taking (some of the scenes will be from Carmen, and Ellie will be playing the title role!), Homecoming next Friday, choir tour at the end of the month, and preparations for Ellie's junior recital in mid-April featuring Justin on guitar. In addition to all of that, we also moved to a new home closer to school with a wonderful family (more on that in a later post!).

We hope to get back to writing in a week or two, and we hope you'll still be here to read!

Love, Hugs, and Puppy Kisses,

The Popeney's, and Sadie Lou, too. <3